Tromba Rija Restaurant
Tromba Rija Restaurant
Founded in 1966, Tromba Rija was located in a village called Leiria, Portugal. The founders were the parents of the current operator-Elisabête Real. This restaurant is 2.2 kilometers away from the Ruins of St. Paul's.Tromba Rija started the business as a local butcher and wine tavern shop. Freezer was not yet popular in town at that time. For this reason, meat had to be sold within a day, otherwise it would spoil. One day, Elisabête’s mother used some of the unsold meat to cook with beans stew, which turned out to be one of today’s popular household dishes, Feijoada. It was well received by the local residents and soon more customers outside the village came for the dish. Since then, the butcher and tavern shop gradually turned into a formal restaurant, now a well-known one in the world, run by Elisabête and Fernando Real.
Add: G floor, Macau Tower, Macau
Tel: 00853-28962878
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