The Kaili Ethnic Minorities Museum
The Kaili Ethnic Minorities Museum is located in Downtown Kaili. It is a collection of Ethnic Minorities culture in Guizhou, where people could have a background knowledge of all minority native culture in this area. It has a collection of over ten thousand items of different ethnic groups and is one of the "100 Distinctive Museums of China", is entitled "the Origin of Chinese Folk Arts". Kaili Ethnic Minorities Museum have many exhibition halls, the Minority Customs Hall and the Dragon Boat Hall are the most noteworthy. In the Museum, people will not only see the minor nationality women doing craft jobs, such as embroidering, plaiting, brocading, spinning, batiking and cross-stitching, but also taste the delicious local nationality food and enjoy dances and sports games organized in traditional way especially for reception. Kaili Ethnic Minorities Museum can be visited all year round. Half day tour will be suggested.
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