The Dongchuan Red Land
The Dongchuan Red Land is located in the town of Xintian, about 40 kilometers away from Kunming City. Due to the humid and worm weather, the iron elements in the soil have been depositing year by year after oxidation, and then the glaring color is formed after centuries. This area is the most typical and featured red soil in Yunnan. It covers over hundreds of square meters. The experts consider it is the second marvelous red land in the world following the one in Rio Brazil. But comparing to red land in Brazil, the scenery here is even more beautiful. It is said that people could never imagine such amazing scenery without having been to Dongchuan. Glaring red land, green vegetable plot, unique shape and beautiful figure are set off by the blue sky, white cloud and capricious light, which is the whole dream-like picture is just like the colorful paintings. It is an all-year-round destination, but the best time for taking pictures is from September to December, from January to February and from May to June. It takes about 2-3 hours for normal visiting.
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