Zhangshengji Hangzhou
Zhangshengji Hangzhou
Zhangshengji, founded in 1988. It is a big restaurant which was awarded the honors of ‘Hangzhou’s Famous F & B Brand’, ‘China’s Famous Restaurant’ and ‘International Famous Restaurant’. It is guided by ancient secret recipes and the principle that ‘food and medicine have the same origin’. Various artisan dishes are available depending on the season - duck, pork, fish, shrimp and more. It is a combination of ancient food medication and modern culinary arts, provide an authentic experience. It is a rather typical Chinese restaurant with private rooms and banquet halls.
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Add: B209A, Xiangye Tower, 17 Chaowai Dajie, Beijing 100020, China
Tel: 86-10-65804382 Fax: 86-10-65804282 Email:
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